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Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Advise to Young Engineers

I see that we produce a lot of engineers thru our institutions which churn out in large numbers. I have interacted with quite a few of them. Most often chose their subject of interest not by choice but by default - CET chooses the subjects for them based on their marks. One should seriously think as to why CET should choose it and what is the crieteria for CEt to decide the options based on rankings starting from Comp Science, IS, IT, Telecom, Mechanical, etc., in that order.

One should decide their area of interest by their passion. As there is a huge demand for software engineers, most end up as code writers at the fancy software companies. At the begining of one's career as an engineer, I strongly feel that one should concentrate on the core engineering fundamentals rather getting into code writing straight away. The obvious factor is the high initial compensation offered. But look at the long run, and pure code writers with out a domain expertise is not of much value. One should start with a basic domain experience and then switch to software.

Quite a few engineers from real engineering companies leave to join software companies to become glorified catalogue writers and engineering documentation writers.

Off late, I do see a good trend at people preferring more and more core engineering subjects which is a good trend. Most people do not even know the complete bandwidth of their subjects and its applicability.

Good Luck and let us correct wrong education trends

DL Renewal Experience

My DL had expired and I was to renew the same. As usual, referred the net for information and was pleasantly surprised that people are able to get it done with out the use of alternate methods directly.

I was influenced and made a firm resolve that I will try it out directly with the office concerned. I got the required application forms and fille dit up and went to me usual doctor and got his signature as I am over 50 which mandates it. The RTO office was as usual buzz with a lot of people and after some time, I was able to know the whole process. One needs to attach a postal envelope with prestamped with self address written on it for sending the smart card.
The process was that I had to get it certified for the payment by the concerned Supervisor and then pay the required fee in the cash counter and then get the application approved and signed by the ARTO, getting photographed by the private agency who is sitting there and then submitting it to the concerned Supervisor for further action.

All five places, there were long queues and if only the authorities pay a little extra effort in making it simple, long queues could have been avoided, if only a serial approach or a single window approach is followed.

I did not pay a single rupee to any one else and it was a clean act. Most people do not have the patience to visit and understand the process, but have a pre-conceived notion that things can not be achieved unless one approaches the agents. I was also suprised that I did not face any hurdles in the process.

The bottom line is that one should have adequate patience and a little bit of time in attending to such works at the establishment. If only people exhibit such patience and little efforts, we all can put in our bit to eradicate the goliath of corruption at least in areas where ordinary people get affected.
I sincerely hope and wish that others do get inspired as I got from another who had shared his experience on the net of a similar issue.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Absolute Peace

It was heartening to know that the people maintained absolute peace after the verdict came out. It is satisfying to hear that people by themselves want peace and want to get on with life.

The judges have done a remarkable job of upholding the country first and the press has also behaved very sensibly.

This is the way to live and we need to show it to the world that we can and our rich heritage shows the way forward. Gandhiji wanted the same solution for people to live in harmony and in a peaceful manner.

India - the Great
